Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Winter Kisses

These moments are very, very important to capture since there are some days when the hugs and kisses are vastly outnumbered by the hits and kicks. This is when being a parent melts your heart and all of the sleepless night seem well worth it.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008


One of my favorite pictures from my childhood is of my brother, Jeff, and me jumping on the bed while my dad is tickling us. This moment with the girls reminded me of that picture. As you can see they are in no mood to settle down and "hit the hay".

Happy Birthday cousin Lillian!

Lily celebrated her third birthday with a party for family and friends at her home. Lily's mommy outdid herself by creating this masterful carousel cake from scratch. My sister, Kathleen, is well-known for her creativity and talent but I have to say she outdid herself with this cake and her carnival themed extravaganza.

Noah's Ark Invades New Town

The kids love visiting the animals on display near Grandma & Grandpa Meyer's home in New Town. The amazing coincidence regarding these animals is that they are from the old Noah's Ark hotel (in St. Charles, MO) where our family spent many summer vacations when we were children. I have many fond memories of exploring the Ark, swimming in the pool, and eating their clam chowder. On a side note - this is especially wonderful for Kate who has always had a deep affection for elephants. She insists that any and all elephants be called "Katiebugs elephants". Perhaps she was an elephant trainer in one of her past lives?!

Hanging out in New Town

We spent this beautiful Fall weekend (Nov. 1st & 2nd) in St. Charles visiting family and celebrating cousin Lily's 3rd birthday. This park is just one of the many attractions that my parents community has to offer.