Thursday, December 20, 2007

School Days

Mary and Kate can be so serious when they are working hard at school. They tend to stay pretty close to eachother which warms our hearts. Notice Mary's concern - she doesn't like when the crayons get broke. Thanks to Aunt Chrissy for the matching sweaters - everyone said they looked so adorable and we agreed!

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

The Great Pie

Tim made a delicious apple pie today - I think he is preparing to give mom and dad (Meyer) a little competition in the cooking contests.

Ice Station Zebra (a bit of trivia for the movie buffs)

St. Joe has made national news by being the recipient of a major ice storm. Luckily, we had some notice so we were prepared. My husband who is always preparing for the revolution goes into hypermode during these opportunities. Filling gas tanks, water cans, checking flash lights, and stock piling milk. He loves it. Mary and I spent the the day putting the finishing touches on the Christmas tree while Katiebug took the finishing touches off the Christmas tree. All-in-all it was a great day. Tim baked "the great pie" (a bit of trivia for you cartoon fans) and we had a day of bonding with one another at home watching the ice blanket the world outside. According to the local electric company, they have 45,000+ customers and 35,000+ were without power. We have been lucky so far but we are keeping our fingers crossed hoping we don't get hit again this week - we will keep you posted.

Thursday, December 06, 2007


Julia Machados lives down the street from us with her husband, Marco, and their four sons. She is a wonderful friend and an inspiration as a mom. As I said she has FOUR boys under the age of ten (Miguel is pictured here with Katiebug) and still manages to make time for her husband, her friends, and (most importantly) herself. Julia inspires me and all of her friends to keep working out even when it is the last thing that we want to do. She has also been a life saver in emergencies - like when we had to run Katiebug to the emergency room and Julia took Mary so we wouldn't have to put her through what could have been an ugly night.

Wednesday, December 05, 2007

Music Class

We have been taking music class with the girls once a week since before Katiebug was born. Their teacher, Jill Robinson, has a masters degree in music therapy and she does a great job stimulating their brains with exercises we can do at home. The girls' favorite part of the class is when they get to play with all of the different instruments - there is always a mad dash for the drums.

Tumbling class

Mary has been going to "dance" class for several months now. She normally has a ball unless the teacher makes her put her stuffed dog on the side of mat. Mary is a lot like her mother - she doesn't hide her emotions well as you can tell from the pose she is striking in the last picture.

Monday, December 03, 2007

Thursday, November 29, 2007

To my daughters . . .

The Miracle of You

For just a while I carried you
Close to my beating heart
You were loved and cherished
Right from the very start

Each day I felt your presence
As I watched you quickly grow
Each day your heart beat softly
As only I could know

And now I hold you in my arms
And I've found it is so true
I will spend a lifetime
Of tomorrows loving you

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Hello, again!

It has been a while since I have posted any recent photos. We got a new digital camera for Christmas and it has taken us this long to figure out how to get the images on our blog. We are covered in snow here in St. Joe this cold February day but we can't complain because everyone is happy and healthy. I am busy at school. We are now into the fifth week of our fourteen week semester at MWSU. Tim is busy keeping all of us safe on campus - something he does very well. Mary and Kate are wonderful. Tim and I often look at them and wonder how we got so blessed. If asked how we are doing our only response can be: better than we deserve (as Dave Ramsey would say). I hope everyone is staying warm and driving safe. I will try to post more soon! Love, Suzanne

Saturday, January 20, 2007

The Play Room

These are a few (sideways) pictures of my favorite room in our house. These are actually from before we bought the house when we were doing our final walk through. We spend a lot of time in the playroom especially since Kate was born. The girls are just beginning to interact in a way that kind be descibed as "play". Really it consists of Kate finding a toy, Mary discovering that Kate found a toy, Mary taking away said toy, and us trying to get it back to Kate. I guess that doesn't exactly qualify as play but we get lots of giggles from Kate so we'll take it for now.